# Welcome to Super Power Labs!
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Are you trying to learn Power Apps? Hello, Darren Neese here! Why should you listen to me? I have over 20 years experience in software development. I am a published author. I have taught at Microsoft Partners, community colleges, technical educational centers. But guess what?! Power Apps was difficult for me at first. I want to save you time and pass on all my lessons learned, and I want to do so from the perspective of a professional software developer. Here at Power Apps, we build out applications in Power Apps. Take a look at some of the screens we've built and we'll continue to build on. Here at Power Apps Tutorial, we publish a new video each week, but maybe even two! I believe Power Apps Tutorial can make a difference in your Power Apps journey. Subscribe and turn on the notification bell so you don't miss out on any new content.
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# Develop Your Super Hero Powers!
The world is full of problems and lack of order. Be the agent who brings the solution. Be the answer that people, projects, and organizations are looking for!
We teach, train, and mentor you with the skills, like Microsoft’s Power Apps, to create **world-class applications** without enrolling in traditional education or going it alone with self-learning. All through **learning by doing** and **mentorship and guidance** through the whole software development lifecycle.
# Recent Posts
- [Regular Expressions & New Changes You Should Not Ignore](REGULAR-EXPRESSIONS-2025-02-05)
- [Dark Mode Chrome Extension](dark-mode-chrome-extension)
## Our Other Sites, Links, Resources
- [Power Platform Links](https://powerplatformlinks.com)
- [Power Apps Tutorial](https://powerappstutorial.com)
- [Power Platform Community](https://whop.com/checkout/plan_aUmNoC0hAXWpt/)